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Re: Dose Limit for "women of reproductive age"?
> In report EAR MOW 98-027 there is a reference to 5 women receiving doses in
> excess of the maximum permissible value for women of reproductive age.
NOt sure what this report is in reference to? As far as I know, in
the USA, the regulations do not differentiate between sexes, i.e.,
there are no regulatory limits specifically for one group, to the
other. The only reduced dose limit is for the "Declared Pregnant
Female" and that is 500 mrem during the entire gestation period. If
there is no declaration, a pregnant female is subject to the same
limits as provided for all occupational workers. Perhaps I missed
something by not seeing this reference. The statement seems to
be in error when it states "women receiving doses in
> excess of the maximum permissible value for women of
reproductive age." I believe this can only be accurate if they are
"declared", and not just within a certain age bracket. That is
discrimination, clear and simple.
Sandy Perle
E-Mail: sandyfl@earthlink.net
Personal Website: http://www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/1205
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