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Fwd: Uranium mill tailings

The report is viewable online.  Go to 
http://www.epa.gov/cgi-bin/claritgw?op-NewSearch&template=epa and search on 
"520188023" (without quotes).  Go to Table 3-4.


In a message dated 5/5/99 4:39:03 PM EST, GACarlson writes:

<< In "Ground-Water Protection Standards for Inactive Uranium Tailings Sites 
(40 CFR 192) - Background Information for Final Rule," EPA 520/1-88-023, 
March 1989, average Ra226 values range from 50 pCi/g at Monument Valley, AZ, 
to 1000 pCi/g at Old Rifle, CO.  Max measured Ra226 values range from 120 
pCi/g at Slick Rock (Union Carbide), CO to 5400 pCi/g at Old Rifle.  (120 
pCi/g "max" value is suspicious since listed "average" value for Slick Rock 
(UC) is 690 pCi/g.)  Total Ra226 activities range from 10 Ci at Lowman, ID, 
to 2130 Ci at New Rifle, CO.  No values are given for Ra228.
 This report might still be available from www.epa.gov/ncepihom and might be 
viewable at www.epa.gov/clariton/. >>

In a message dated 5/5/99 3:47:33 PM EST, BLHamrick@aol.com writes:

<< Does anyone have some ballpark numbers on the average concentration of 
 radium-226 and radium-228 in typical uranium mill tailings?  (In pCi/g)?>>

In "Ground-Water Protection Standards for Inactive Uranium Tailings Sites (40 
CFR 192) - Background Information for Final Rule," EPA 520/1-88-023, March 
1989, average Ra226 values range from 50 pCi/g at Monument Valley, AZ, to 
1000 pCi/g at Old Rifle, CO.  Max measured Ra226 values range from 120 pCi/g 
at Slick Rock (Union Carbide), CO to 5400 pCi/g at Old Rifle.  (120 pCi/g 
"max" value is suspicious since listed "average" value for Slick Rock (UC) is 
690 pCi/g.)  Total Ra226 activities range from 10 Ci at Lowman, ID, to 2130 
Ci at New Rifle, CO.  No values are given for Ra228.

This report might still be available from www.epa.gov/ncepihom and might be 
viewable at www.epa.gov/clariton/.

Good luck.
