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Re: Dose limits for public exposure in the US, UK and Germany
One further question, are these dose constraints applied to uranium mines and mills? IE, would a u mine in the USA be required to meet a 0.25mSv per year dose constraint for members of the public or would the dose constraint be applied to certain parts of the operation such as disposal of tailings?
>>> "J. J. Rozental" <josrozen@netmedia.net.il> 2/07/1999 6:50:52 pm >>>
Yes this is dose constraint. The dose constraint for each source is intended
to ensure that the sum of doses to the critical groups from all controlled
sources remains within the dose limit.
At 01:41 AM 7/2/99 -0500, you wrote:
>G'day all
>I read, in a report today, that the dose limit for members of the public in
the US, UK and Germany is 0.25mSv, 0.3mSv and 0.3mSv respectively. I assume
that these are actually dose constraints of some sort?? Can anyone tell me
if my assumption is correct, or if there is some other significance attached
to these doses in the respective countries.
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