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Re: FW: X-Ray Radiation and Personnel Monitoring
William V Lipton wrote:
> Maybe the safety features on x-ray diffraction units have improved a lot
> since I was last involved, but unless you're confident that the machine is
> "damn fool proof," I'd go with individual monitoring.
It depends on the unit. If the unit has an interlocked enclosure AND
the operators aren't overriding the interlocks to do alignments, the
radiation exposure to operators should be negligible. However, one
should survey carefully outside an enclosure before making a decision.
I've picked up scatter outside of openings for power cords in enclosures
as well as outside small gaps in the backs of enclosures. Fortunately,
it's usually pretty easy to fix such problems. Of course, all of the
safety devices should be checked regularly (at least monthly) as well.
Those who override the interlocks and open the enclosure for any reason
when x-rays are being generated (shutters can and do fail) need
extremity monitors at the very least. (IMO, these people should also be
shown photos of extremities burned by x-ray exposure. :-) )
Melissa Woo, Health Physicist <mailto:m-woo@uiuc.edu>
Div. of Environmental Health & Safety
101 S. Gregory St., MC-225, Urbana, IL 61801
ph 217.244.7233 fax 217.244.6594 <http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/m-woo/>
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