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Re: U.S. Orders Probe Of Plutonium Exposure - Report
Bill_Goldsmith@radian.com wrote:
> Andy and others: What you folks have said about the Pu source and behavior
> in gaseous diffusion is consistent with what I recall. ETC.
> Bill, and All,
We must remember (as aggravating as it may be) that newspaper people, as well as
the "public" read some of this stuff on RADSAFE. As we all know, reporters seem
to delight in quoting (or "ascribing") reports to people or groups that have
names that they believe sound impressive and that will help sell newspapers.
An example of the kind of thing that may result in misunderstandings is the
reference to "14 cubic meters of TRU waste". I believe that a more accurate
statement would be "14 cubic meters of waste contaminated with TRU", or perhaps
"14 cubic meters of waste slightly contaminated with TRU".
Sorry if this sounds like a nit-pick.
Just my own thoughts...
Jack Bell, bellstar@erols.com
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