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A Nub of the Problem

Here is a quote I've taken from another email (not RADSAFE):

Paul Stolpman, a
20-year veteran of EPA's energy v. environment policy wars within the
government, said, "Critics of taking action on climate change promote
idea of climate change as an unproven theory. This is a diversionary
not unlike the tactics used by critics of the Montreal Protocol. As with

ozone depletion, we cannot let nay-sayers deflect us from the real
debate. The real debate about climate change is not, and should not be,
about whether it exists or not, but about what to do about it."

Sounds like the argument about low dose effects.  Don't argue about
whether they are bad or not.  Just "fix" the problem (even if there is
no problem).  I love it.  NOT. So long as EPA officials have that point
of view, heaven help us.  Congress is right in not letting EPA set
standards for Yucca Mt.  NRC has a much more reasonable approach to the
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