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Re: Mobile phones: Cancer & chromosomes
At 18:00 06.12.1999 -0600, you wrote:
>Four hours ago there was a 30 min. TV program (8.30 p.m. Swedish time) about
>Nokia & Ericsson - emphasis on the success of Nokia (stocks up about 40% in
>2 weeks). The program included a few interviews about the suspected dangers
>of mobile phones. Kjell Hansson-Mild, KHM (some function in BEMS I think,
>also working for WHO according to the program) said that animal (rat?)
>experiments showed a 2.5 times increase in tumors after 18 months of
>exposure and also that tissues and cells had chromosomal damages
>(references?? Is it the Lai and Singh stuff again?). From a scientific
>aspect it was not possible understand any of the "facts" in a deeper sense.
>The "information" was probably frightening to many watchers. Nothing was
>mentioned about findings in the opposite direction - this has happened many
>times before with KHM. It seems like our media only know 4-5 EMF people -
>namely those who create the best head lines - they tend to appear in about
>95% of the EMF newspaper stories.
I cannot identify all your abbreviations, but you should know that the
Swedish Radiation Protection Institute (SSI) is since years (or rather
decades) involved in research of EMF. I think to remember that you are
based at Karolinska Sjukhuset, so SSI is just a few steps from you. As well
the Finnish Radiation Protection Institute (STUK) has conducted and is
still doing research on these questions. Why is SSI not present in papers -
maybe because they do not promote the fears and the anxiety directed toward
the public. Do you really think that the public is influenced by these
stories? I do not believe it.
Franz Schoenhofer
Habicherg. 31/7
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e-mail: schoenho@via.at
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