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RADSAFE moderation
Kerembaev@cs.com wrote:
> I think, somebody need to tell that soon or later.
> Seems to me Radsafe needs some set of principles and rules to function and to
> survive as a group.
Please note that discussion of list administration is off-topic in
RADSAFE. All concerns should be directed to me via private e-mail.
Such rules already exist and have for quite a long time now. At the
bottom of each and every RADSAFE posting is a link to the RADSAFE
Frequently Asked Questions list. On that page is a link to the "RADSAFE
Rules of Netiquette," which outlines proper conduct for participation in
the list.
I realize that I have a philosophy of list moderation (or perhaps
"non-moderation") with which not all agree. That is, I assume that
everyone is a professional and will act accordingly until s/he
consistently proves otherwise. Temporary "vacations" from the list are
an action of extreme last resort, as I would much prefer that people
work out their differences with each other without my intervention.
Please remember that we are all in the same field; you never know when
you'll be meeting in person someday. As amusing as it might be to see
one-to-one combat occur at a meeting over some perceived slight in
RADSAFE, it really would be quite unseemly. <grin>
There are now nearly 3000 RADSAFE subscribers - imagine what it would be
like to put all of you into a room... that's pretty much what we have
here in a virtual sense.
Thanks for listening,
Melissa Woo
RADSAFE List-owner/manager
Melissa Woo, Health Physicist <mailto:m-woo@uiuc.edu>
Div. of Environmental Health & Safety
101 S. Gregory St., MC-225, Urbana, IL 61801
ph 217.244.7233 fax 217.244.6594 <http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/m-woo/>
The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html