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Re: Use of OSL Dosimeters for Environmental Monitoring

I would like to cotton on to this query and enquire about the use of
alternative devices (to TLDs) for environmental radiation monitoring and
experience gained by the users (and possibly the motivation).  Example :
electret devices.  IMHO any device which needs processing at a distant
location is at a disadvantage, as any 'in transit' corrections to the
registered dose adds variance and therefore degrades the precision of
Chris Hofmeyr
National Nuclear Regulator
PO Box 7106
Centurion 0046
South Africa

Original message:

                    Elizabeth K. (ELB)        To:     Multiple recipients of list               
                    "                         <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>                    
                    <elb@bechteljacobs        cc:     (bcc: Christoph Hofmeyr/CNS1)             
                    .org>                     Subject:     Use of OSL Dosimeters for            
                    Sent by:                  Environmental Monitoring                          
                    2000/06/27 14:11                                                            
                    Please respond to                                                           

I'm interested in hearing from anyone who has replaced environmental TLDs
with optically stimulated luminescence-type dosimeters in their
environmental monitoring programs. Have you found that they are (true to
some claims I've heard) superior to TLDs for environmental monitoring? From
a field implementation perspective, what are the advantages/disadvantages
switching from TLDs? Please respond to me directly unless you feel it would
benefit others on the listserver.

Elizabeth Algutifan, CHP
Bechtel Jacobs Company LLC
East Tennessee Technology Park
Oak Ridge, TN

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information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html

The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html