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Re: civil penalty for medical violation
My apologies for my last e-mail on this subject, something was wrong in the
Bo Lindell wrote:
“Everyone has an attitude towards proposed practices and our attitude will
influence the balance. Some aspects or foundations of our attitudes may be
inherent, depending on our social standing and environment, culture,
education, religion, etc. In particular situations, however, there are a
number of well-known factors that form our attitude. Usually they are said
to influence our risk perception, but this view may be too narrow since they
influence our attitude to more than just the risk. The most import factors
I see a benefit I don’t see a benefit
I control de situation I have no influence
I understand the risk I don’t understand the risk
I accept this voluntarily It is imposed on me
I trust those responsible I don’t trust them”
For about 30 years I was responsible to implement radiation protection
regulation in Brazil, and this make me sure: To Believe or not we can
discuss, however
regulation we need to obey.
Jose Julio Rozental
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