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RE: Gen. Atomics' GTMHR [was "British Energy plans nuclear power plants" ]
On March 05, 2001 12:07 I asked the Question :
Does anyone know why the US has to go S. Africa (PBMR) for its next
generation of reactors ? What's up with Gen. Atomics' GTMHR ?
...personally, I think that on-line refueling (PBMR) makes for an
unnecessary complication for modular units -- its hardly going to make much
difference when you shut down one of your (dozen ?) 100MWe modules for
Strange, isn't it ?
......which has now been answered in the current, June 7, 2001 issue of
General Atomics, drawing on its work on a gas-cooled
modular reactor being developed in Russia under a joint U.S.-Russian
Federation agreement, is considering commercializing
for the U.S. market a version that would substitute a low-enriched
uranium (LEU) core for the plutonium core.
The preliminary design for the gas turbine-modular helium
reactor (GT-MHR), which is jointly sponsored by the U.S.
DOE and the Russian Ministry of Atomic Energy and supported
by Japan and France, is expected to be completed early
next year, with startup of a prototype at Tomsk, Russia by
2009 (NW, 4 May ’00, 12). A four-module plant is scheduled
for completion in 2015.
General Atomics (GA) officials believe the schedule in
the U.S. could closely follow that timeframe, and the first
commercial GT-MHR module could be ready for service in
the U.S. a year later, by 2010. The company anticipates the
first module will take about four years to construct from
ground-breaking to startup but says construction time could
be shortened to three years for modules after that, with one
module coming on line every year through 2013.
A GA official said the commercial project, the GT-MHR,
would be jointly funded by GA and DOE. Four utilities have
agreed to sit on a Utility Advisory Board that will provide
"time and support" for the project, though not funding at this
point. The official declined to name the four utilities.
Laurence Parme, manager of safety and licensing in
GA’s power reactor division, told an NRC Advisory Committee
on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) workshop on advanced
reactors June 4 that the GT-MHR is based on more than four
decades of work on high-temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs).
There were several prototypes and demonstration plants
that used this technology, beginning with the Dragon plant in
the U.S. in the early 1960s, Parme said. HTGRs, like contemporary
LWRs, continued to be developed with scaled-up
cores through about 1980, after which the U.S. and the Federal
Republic of Germany turned their attention to smaller,
modular plants, he said. Philadelphia Electric Co. built a 40-MW HTGR,
Peach Bottom-1, but it operated just seven years,
1967-74. The only other commercial HTGR in the U.S., the
330-MW Fort St. Vrain, started up in 1976 but encountered a
series of technical problems, particularly with intrusion of
moisture from water-cooled bearings, and was shut in 1989.
The biggest German HTGR, the THTR-300, had repeated
problems with fuel sphere deformation and operated only
1984 to 1989.
GA continued to develop the HTGR option, working with
DOE. Under the DOE modular HTGR (MHTGR) program,
the company submitted a design in the mid-1980s that underwent
a preapplication review by NRC and the ACRS.
Parme suggested picking up on the project where it left
off from nearly two decades ago to get design certification in
the U.S. GA officials said no new R&D would be needed
since most of the development and test work will be conducted
in Russia as part of the international program.
As envisioned, each GT-MHR module would be about
285 megawatts electric (600 MW thermal). Parme said the
GT-MHR improves upon the earlier gas-cooled technology.
He said the steam cycle was "replaced by a closed-loop gas
turbine Brayton cycle," so the heated gas is used directly to
spin the turbine. The modular reactor design "represents a
180-degree turnaround in design philosophy," he said. The
reactor has inherent features that "ensure that regardless of
cooling system operation or coolant boundary integrity, fuel
temperatures will never exceed the point at which fission
products would be released," Parme said.
He said the passive design features ensure fuel remains
below 1,600 degrees C. The reactor system is designed with
the reactor and shutdown cooling system in one vessel, the
gas turbine-based power conversion system in an adjacent
vessel, and the coaxial ducting of gas between the reactor and
power conversion system in a third, horizontal vessel. "The
entire nuclear unit is located in a below-grade [concrete] silo
with service areas above," Parme said. "The silo provides
containment and protection of the reactor but is not designed
to hold pressure. Naturally circulating air in panels around the
reactor vessel carry off heat radiated from the uninsulated
vessel and provide reactor cavity cooling."
GA says the ceramic-coated spherical fuel is the "key" to
both the reactor’s safety and economics. A kernel of uranium
oxycarbide is coated by a porous carbon buffer, then wrapped
in several layers of silicon carbide and pyrolytic carbon. The
coated fuel particles are then placed in fuel rods and loaded
into holes in graphite fuel elements.
Parme said the coated particles keep the fission products
from being released. He said the "worst case fuel temperature
(is) limited by design features" such as low-power density, the
low thermal rating per module, passive heat removal, and its
annular core. He said the core would shut down without rod
motion and would not melt.—Jenny Weil, Washington
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