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RE: clearance thresholds
Dear Marco,
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) published in 1996 the Basic
Safety Series No.115: International Basic Safety Standard for Protection
Against Ionizing Radiation and for the Safety of Radioactive Materials
(BSS-115). Based on recommendations of the ICRP 60, scedule I of the BSS-115
define exemption levels from the requirements of the standard. The general
principles for the exemption are (I-2):
a. the radiation risks to individuals caused by the exempted practice or
source be sufficiently low as to be of no regulatory concern.
b. the collective radiological impact of the exempted practice or source be
sufficiently low as not to warrant regulatory control under the prevailing
circumstances; and
c. the exempted practices and sources be inherently safe, with no
appreciable likelihood of scenarios that could lead to a failure to meet the
criteria in (a) and (b).
In I-3 is written: A practice or a source within a practice may be exempted
without further consideration provided that the following criteria are met
in all feasible situations:
(a) the effective dose expected to be incurred by any member of the public
due to the exempted practice or source is of the order of 10 microsievert or
less in a year, and
(b) either the collective effective dose committed by one year of
performance of the practice is no more than about 1 man.Sv or an assessment
for the optimization of protection shows that the exemption is the optimum
Please, I would like to emphasize in (a): " ......of the order of 10
microsievert or less in a year....." and not just in the order. I believe
Table I-I in this schedule give exempt activity concentrations and exempt
activities of the different radionuclides, so the general figure of 70 Bq/g
for all radionuclides in not valid any more, according to the BSS.
The Bss define also clearance values:" values, established by the
Regulatory Authority and expressed in terms of activity concentrations
and/or total activity, at or below which sources of radiation may be
released from regulatory control". That mean that the regulatory authority
can define different values.
Regarding the connecting between waste regulations and clearance values, the
IAEA published two tecdocs:Tecdoc 855: Clearance levels for radionuclides in
solid materials - Application of exemption principles - INTERIM REPORT FOR
and tecdoc 1000 for clearance of waste generated in medicine, industry and
research. This was a final tecdoc, not an interim.
I guess the different values set some bewilderedness and so I in last May
got a massage from the IAEA that the agency ".... is going to try and have 1
number for thee exemption, clearance and commodities." This will be done in
an addendum to the BSS.
In that case, I will recommend to adopt the BSS now, so every change in the
BSS should be adopted automatically with no special changes in legislation.
Moshe Keren
-----Original Message-----
From: Marco Caceci [mailto:mcaceci@radal.com]
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 10:23 AM
To: Radsafe (E-mail)
Subject: clearance thresholds
I am writing a paper for a (Spanish) waste management trade magazine on the
issue of radiation protection.
This is a non-peer-reviewed article, so if anybody could volunteer to review
it (it is in Spanish) please let me know, I would
really appreciate...
Presently I find it difficult to locate primary sources and references for
clearance limits and criteria for acceptance of incoming
materials and products.
Any expert out there could check these statements and tell me if they are
true? do you have any reference to relevant laws and
to be considered 'non radioactive'...
- underlying criteria is that no member of the public should be subject (by
a product such as recycled aluminum or steel) to a dose
higher than 10 uSv in a year
- product (such as Al or steel) or raw material (scrap) should emit less
then 1 uSv/h at contact
- product should contain less then 70 Bq/g activity
Thank you in advance...
Marco Caceci
LQC s.l.
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