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RE: Dirty bombs, LNT, and Removing False Fears
- To: "'howard long'" <hlong@pacbell.net>, hflong@pacbell.net, Franz Schoenhofer <franz.schoenhofer@CHELLO.AT>
- Subject: RE: Dirty bombs, LNT, and Removing False Fears
- From: "Jacobus, John (NIH/OD/ORS)" <jacobusj@ors.od.nih.gov>
- Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 08:50:08 -0500
- Cc: "'Rad Safety Institute'" <radsafeinst@cableone.net>, RuthWeiner@AOL.COM, sjd@swcp.com, radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu
- Reply-To: "Jacobus, John (NIH/OD/ORS)" <jacobusj@ors.od.nih.gov>
- Sender: owner-radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu
If we are going to have clear discussions, you are going to stop assuming
the I, and others on this list, understand all of your comments. What do
you mean by "C reactive protein prognostic value = cholesterol) by
supplemental 0.5 to 5.0 rem/yr?" What diseases are the regulations
-- John
John P. Jacobus, MS
Certified Health Physicist
e-mail: jenday1@msn.com
The comments presented are mine and do not reflect the opinion of my
employer or spouse.
-----Original Message-----
From: howard long [mailto:hlong@pacbell.net]
Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2003 12:45 AM
To: Jacobus, John (NIH/OD/ORS); hflong@pacbell.net; Franz Schoenhofer
Cc: 'Rad Safety Institute'; RuthWeiner@AOL.COM; sjd@swcp.com;
Subject: Re: Dirty bombs, LNT, and Removing False Fears
John Jacobus and HPs who would protect from both excess and deficient
It is not "homeopathic" to prevent cancer and other disease (like myocardial
infarction, considering recent C reactive protein prognostic value =
cholesterol) by supplemental 0.5 to 5.0 rem/yr.
We are having these discussions because regulators like yourself have been
expensively perpetuating deficiency disease. Excessive safety precautions
damage public health and welfare.
The "precautionary principle" favored by anti-nucs requires that regulators
stop depriving underprivileged areas of radiant energy associated with
better health.
. . .
Howard Long MD MPH
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jacobus, John (NIH/OD/ORS)" <jacobusj@ors.od.nih.gov>
To: <hflong@pacbell.net>; "Franz Schoenhofer" <franz.schoenhofer@CHELLO.AT>
Cc: "'Rad Safety Institute'" <radsafeinst@cableone.net>; "howard long"
<hlong@pacbell.net>; <RuthWeiner@AOL.COM>; <sjd@swcp.com>;
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 3:44 AM
Subject: RE: Dirty bombs, LNT, and Removing False Fears
> Howard,
> As you know, ionizing radiation is already used in medicine, for diagonsis
> and therapy. Whether it is a homeopathic drug is another still debatable.
> Otherwise, why would we be having these discussions?
> -- John
> John P. Jacobus, MS
> Certified Health Physicist
> e-mail: jenday1@msn.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: hflong@postoffice.pacbell.net
> [mailto:hflong@postoffice.pacbell.net]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 4:25 PM
> To: Franz Schoenhofer
> Cc: Jacobus, John (NIH/OD/ORS); 'Rad Safety Institute'; howard long;
> RuthWeiner@AOL.COM; sjd@swcp.com; radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu
> Subject: Dirty bombs, LNT, and Removing False Fears
> Franz and HPs liberated from LNT,
> Authoritarianism, traditional for Europe but not the USA, can manage
> with LNT - but not with individual choice for ionizing radiation
> benefit/harm. The Nobel Prize for 2002 in Economics was awarded for
> showing individual choices superior to expert choices - anathema to
> bureaucracy. Might a regulator have trouble understanding what may limit
> his authority?
> Radiation benefit from hormesis has been well demonstrated, as described
> on this chat box. My purpose is to advance its medical use, much as UV B
> was used for the psoriasis patient I just saw.
> . . .
> ************************************************************************
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