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AW: EPA to look at how toxins affect kids
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: owner-radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu
[mailto:owner-radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu]Im Auftrag von maury
Gesendet: Freitag, 07. März 2003 22:35
An: John Andrews
Cc: Norman Cohen; radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu
Betreff: Re: EPA to look at how toxins affect kids
The TFP has been devoured by the EBP with assistance from the GP. The
were neither statistically nor operationally significant and the TFP will
into the past.
I am not as optimistic as you are, but I would wish that you were right.
BUT: How many millions of dollars have gone to this crazy and silly
"project" in donations, state money and governmental money??? How much did
that amount to in lost tax-dollars? How much have people like Sternglass,
Mancuso earned in money? How much have the "celebrities" earned indirectly
by enhancing their popularity? And how much money has been lost, which would
have better been donated to charity, poverty fighting, cancer research etc.
etc. ?
A small wish: could you refrain from using abbreviations like EBP and GP,
the meaning of which not only I as a foreigner does not know, but probably
as well many US citizens.
Is there anybody, who knows about the financing of the TFP?
I have often expressed my believe, that radiation protection matters are not
only a matter of mere science, but are influenced by all kind of other
factors like economics, public opinion, politics.
Best regards,
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