There is an old axiom, that we will all die. If the number of people who die from lung is reduced by not smoking, they will still die from something else, e.g., colon cancer, stroke, pnemonia, etc.
What we should strive for is a better quality of life. I have a mother and mother-in-law in nursing homes. I strongly suggest that everyone needs to visit a nursing home over a period of time. A one-time visit does not give the true picture. After about three months, the bloom is off the rose.
"Frohmberg, Eric" <> wrote:
. . .And finally, the Institute of Medicine today came out with a report stating that cancer risks in the US could be cut by 1/3 if we ate right, didn't smoke, exercised, and got cancer screening. Cancer is the number 2 killer in the US, heart disease number 1. If we ate right, didn't smoke and exercised, we'd also make an impact on heart disease as well.. . .