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FW: Re: AAP Statement on Radiation Disasters and Children
Dr. John Kuperus recent comments show he missed my main point that
ingesting 'enough' iodine to attempt to achieve thyroid-blocking,
specifically via water purification tablets, or 'tincture of iodine', or
Povidone-iodine solutions, is not safe.
I stand by my statement that the public should be warned away from it, and
not encouraged to attempt it.
When he attributes my motives to less than honorable when I'm pointing that
fact out, he has obviously not reviewed our web site where we show all the
viable alternatives to KI tablets. He also said; "Mr. Connor states
potassium iodide is the only source of iodine that will block uptake of
radioactive iodine...". I plainly did not say that in my radsafe posting.
And, on our web site, I eagerly say and show just the opposite.
There we cover Lugol's Solution, SSKI, topical applications, and also
explore the non-alternatives, like Kelp tablets, iodized salt, etc. We tell
and show people how the KI tablets are not their only way to get a
thyroid-blocking dose in an emergency. At www.ki4u.com, since 1999, we've
been telling visitors about all these alternatives; like Ken Miller's
research into topically applied 'tincture of iodine', as well as showing
everybody how to acquire USP grade KI to then mix up their own KI solutions
for a fraction of the cost of anybodies KI tablets. No other seller of KI
tablets does so, we alone do.
I'd invite everybody to become familiar with the safe non-tablet
alternatives, that we have also been pushing the government to embrace for
emergency use, too, that we host at http://www.ki4u.com/Plan_B.htm and that
has always been linked there prominently atop our main KI4U home page.
Best Regards,
Shane Connor
KI4U, Inc.
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