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Who is Louis Ricciuti?

June 10

	Go to < www.niagaraheritage.org/ricciuti.htm> to find a letter of

commendation (12-31-01) to Louis Ricciuti saying this (among other things):

	 "Your hard work in researching the broad spectrum of historical and

continuing chemical and radiological contamination of our area [Niagara

Falls] has been thorough and far-reaching . . ."

	In 2003 is Louis Ricciuti panhandling a little research from RADSAFErs?

	Go to < www.petitiononline.com/category_2.html> for a petition to the

"Department of Defense, US Army Corps of Engineeers, US Congress, US

Senate, United Nations Secretary General and local governmental bodies"

requesting the formation of a self-governing committee of citizens to

oversee environmental cleanup of rad-contaminated sites in the Niagara

Falls area.   The petition was written by Louis Ricciuti.

	In a posting to RADSAFE on May 20, 2003, Louis Ricciuti identifies himself

as a "researcher" from Niagara Falls.

Steven Dapra



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