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RE: OSHA & Radiation (was: Badges for surgery)
Jan. 16
Mike Sinclair described preparing a medical for rad training, and wrote
(in part):
"Among the things we learned early on were that misinformation among EMS
and ER staff about radiation hazards was rampant, and that those in
emergency medicine and their counterparts in radiology and nuclear medicine
weren't communicating. (At one large Chicago area hospital, I insisted that
the ED supervisor and the head of Nuclear Medicine be invited to the
in-service. They had never met.)"
What is the "ED" supervisor? Was this supposed to be "ER" -- Emergency Room?
This points up the need for an inter-disciplinary approach and better
cooperation. Hospital administration should require supervisors and
department heads to meet for (perhaps) quarterly or semi-annual meetings to
discuss problems with each other's departments, and in their own
departments, and ways of solving these problems. These meetings should be
run by a strong-willed administrator who can and will concentrate on
ascertaining the bases of conflicts and finding solutions.
The inter-disciplinary approach has a lot to offer; and it would be
salutary to meet those "ogres and so-and-sos from up the hall" who you
think (perhaps incorrectly) are causing you so many problems. They might
turn out to be rather pleasant, cooperative, and helpful persons after all
and in addition to solving a problem or two you might wind up with a tennis
or golf partner.
Steven Dapra
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