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RE: Missing Exit Signs
Franz wrote:
I would say, that trying to use tritium exit signs as an RDD, is ridiculous.
If they were of the type I know - filled with gaseous HT - sure no cleanup
would be necessary and would not cost a single cent, because within a few
minutes all of this gas would have been dispersed and diluted to ambient
levels. There would be no mess <SNIP>
I wonder about that -- presumably an RDD involves some sort of explosion.
Wouldn't that cause at least some part of the HT to burn and form HTO ?
While most of that would also disperse as vapour, some might also cause a
mess.... any guesses how much ?
By the way, a colleague pointed out that the 55 Ci in the exit signs would
by now have decayed to 25 Ci, due to 14 years of decay (12.3 yr half-life).
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