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AW: Missing Exit Signs
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: owner-radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu
[mailto:owner-radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu]Im Auftrag von Jaro
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 11. März 2004 12:42
An: Radsafe
Betreff: RE: Missing Exit Signs
Franz wrote:
I would say, that trying to use tritium exit signs as an RDD, is ridiculous.
If they were of the type I know - filled with gaseous HT - sure no cleanup
would be necessary and would not cost a single cent, because within a few
minutes all of this gas would have been dispersed and diluted to ambient
levels. There would be no mess <SNIP>
I wonder about that -- presumably an RDD involves some sort of explosion.
Wouldn't that cause at least some part of the HT to burn and form HTO ?
While most of that would also disperse as vapour, some might also cause a
mess.... any guesses how much ?
By the way, a colleague pointed out that the 55 Ci in the exit signs would
by now have decayed to 25 Ci, due to 14 years of decay (12.3 yr half-life).
Great! Somebody at RADSAFE who knows the difference between HTO, TH, T2,
I do not know how much of the gas filling of the EXIT signs would be
hydrogene or I rather expect that it would be diluted by an inert gas, I
would rather assume that legislation would require that there should not be
any possibility of ignition.
Even if a device would be exploded and H2 would be oxidised to H20 I cannot
see any radiation protection consequences: We know that explosions result
mostly in a vertical distribution, because of the heat generated. So any
contaminants from these exit signs would rise to several hundred meters
(sorry, several thousand feet), and then be distributed by winds.
Taking into consideration my doubts, that all of these EXIT signs could be
exploded simultaneously I again draw the conclusion that this kind of
"threat" really can be disregarded.
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