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Love Canal reference from Weiner - Dapra is outdated
The Science article about Niagara Falls and Love Canal that was posted by
Dr. Ruth Weiner and Steve Dapra is outdated and incorrect.
Cancer abounds, like it or not, and I will offer in advance my sincerest
apologies to Dr. Weiner's delicate sensibilities.
I do not agree with this (1981-Science) Love Canal information being
foisted upon us when it is from a 23 year old article and accompanied by the
Dr.Weiner's comments including praise for Mr. Steve Dapra in providing this
outdated citation, when the most recent New York State Cancer Zip Code Registry
clearly shows significant increases in at least four-forms of cancer throughout
Niagara County (including the Love Canal postal zip code).
I have provided links to the NYS Zip Code Cancer Initiative in the past.
Some cancers being found around Niagara County are of >100% GREATER>
incidence than nationally expected averages, such as lung cancer in this general
area (14301 - 14305 zip codes). In an area due upwind of Love Canal, at a
historic waste dump (now) called BFI-Allied (previously CECOS), 25 years ago,
concerns were expressed because of recently (then) uncovered Pu, U and Th "slag"
and possibly other radioactive materials had been buried directly to soil. 25
years later, and on the downwind side of this dump, there shows a 100% >
increased> incidence in lung cancers over the expected average. Go figure...
Apparantly, Dr. Weiner and Steve Dapra see no possible association or
potential for a correlation to materials that they are not familiar with as
historically being in the area, and disease(s) currently being seen.
Unfortunately, as a local researcher, I cannot so easily dismiss this (and
other associated confounders).
(Please tell me you two are not medical doctors. ;^ )
>From Weiner Dapra posting--
> See SCIENCE, 19 jUNE 1981, V. 212, pp1404-1407 (and I want to thank Steve
> Dapra for digging this paper out). Of the nin specific cancers and the
> other category, the ratio of observed to expected cancers, age
standardized, was
> ....
Please don't cite documents that are nearly 25 years old as being
primary. I don't think that that is very good science or very responsible. Please
seek out the current NYS Cancer Registry for citations.
The outdated Science reference provided, could possibly by some, be
viewed as being purposefully misleading. Hopefully, this was not the case, and that
Dr. Weiner and Steve Dapra did not intentionally present this information in
a false light.
Thank you to those that have provided more recent citations and
Louis Ricciuti
Niagara County - Los Alamos East