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Re: Bone Densitometry Dosimetry

I would check with the manufacturer(s).  As I recall, it was on the
order of 1 mrem for a single scan of the spine for a dual energy x-
ray BMA and a total of less than 5 mrem for a typical study (e.g.,
befores and afters).


> Date: Tue, 7 Feb 95 23:37:53 -0600
> From: a.zapantis@qut.edu.au (Alex Zapantis)
> Subject: Bone Densitometry Dosimetry
> G'day Radsafers
> Can anyone point me towards a good reference for calculating the dose
> received by patients undergoing bone densitometry investigations using an
> x-ray tube based bone densitometer?
> Regards
>                         Alex Zapantis
>                         Radiation Safety Officer
>                         Queensland University of Technology
>                         Health & Safety Section
>                         Locked Bag No.2
>                         Red Hill Qld 4059
>                         AUSTRALIA
>                         Ph     : 61 7 864 3566
>                         fax     : 61 7 864 3993
>                         email  : a.zapantis@qut.edu.au
Wesley M. Dunn, C.H.P., Administrator
Licensing Branch                        512-834-6688
Texas Bureau of Radiation Control       512-834-6690 (fax)
1100 W. 49th Street                     wdunn@brc1.tdh.texas.gov
Austin, Texas  78756