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Re: RAMP Rumors
For those interested parties who haven't heard already:
By the request of many PRPs at the RAMP site, the EPA is holding a meeting to
"discuss logistics involved in removing wastes from the facility." The meeting
is scheduled for 2:00-4:00 pm (MST) on August 1, 1995 in the EPA conference
center located on the 2nd floor of the Denver Place Building at 999 18th
Street, Denver. If you are outside the Denver area and are unable to attend,
the EPA will have a conference call line set up. Notify Tim Rehder (EPA) at
(303) 391-6975 if you plan to participate by phone so adequate phone lines can
be set up.
On hand for the meeting will be Leonard Slosky from the Rocky Mountain
Low-Level Radioactive Waste Board and Tim Rehder, project manager for the RAMP
cleanup. A representative of the Washington State Department of Environmental
Quality will take part via telephone.
Jim F. Herrold, RSO U U W W University of Wyoming
e-mail: herrold@uwyo.edu U U W W W Environmental Health & Safety
phone: (307) 766-3277 U U W W W W 312 Merica Hall
fax: (307) 766-2255 UUUUUU W W Laramie, Wyoming 82071-3413
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