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Re: Wearing Neutron TLD under ice-vest -Reply
Do you have solid info on the neutron energy
spectrum for the areas in which you plan to
send the subject individuals? I would suspect
that the neutron energy spectrum in the area(s)
of containment where you plan to send them is
skewed towards the thermal range. There are
some published studies on the subject of PWR
neutron specta within containment during power
operations. As you are well aware, there might
be some design differences at your plant which
would impact the usefulness of these studies.
If you would find that additional info could be
helpful, contact John Lebda from Beaver Valley
Power Station or Rachel Carr from Comanche
Peak might be convinced to provide more
detailed information regarding their studies.
Your safest bet has already been suggested ...
i.e., use multiple dosimeters. Do you really
need to use neutron dosimeters for the job?
Although Reg Guide 8.14 was not revised along
with the revised 10 CFR 20 regulations, the
guidance is still considered to be applicable. I
had had to confirm this earlier this year with
NRR as part of an inspection at one of your
Region I counterparts. Hope this might be of
some use to you...
Lonny Eckert
USNRC Region I