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Russian Criticality accident

Boyd Rose has made the comment that the report of the accident contains
some interesting statements. One further one is the reported dose of 600
roentgens of neutron radiation. Such a statement must have come from a
scientific source and it concerns me that such errors are being made. With
the unfortunate death of the researcher within such a short time of
exposure, it would be informative to have the correct units (rems or
sieverts) of the dose he received. 

 * David J. Hornsey, Radiation Safety.*
 * South Building,                    *
 * University of Bath                 *             
 * Claverton Down,                    * 
 * Bath BA2 7AY. UK.                  *
 *                                    *
 * tel:01225 826540                   *
 * fax:01225 826779                   *  
 * e-mail: d.j.hornsey@bath.ac.uk     *