March 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Mar 1 05:20:43 CST 2008
Ending: Mon Mar 31 14:32:22 CDT 2008
Messages: 179
- [ RadSafe ] European site regarding radiation risk
Doug Aitken
- [ RadSafe ] DHS Tests of Radiation Detectors WereInconclusive, Report Says
Doug Aitken
- AW: [ RadSafe ] DHS Tests of Radiation Detectors WereInconclusive, Report Says
Doug Aitken
- AW: [ RadSafe ] DHS Tests of Radiation Detectors WereInconclusive, Report Says
Doug Aitken
- [ RadSafe ] Luggage/package X-ray Screening SafetyStandard (UNCLASSIFIED)
Robert Atkinson
- [ RadSafe ] 2 LARGE Co-60 Gamma Sources to a good home
Baumbaugh, Joel SPAWAR
- [ RadSafe ] FW: 2 LARGE Co-60 Gamma Sources to a good home
Baumbaugh, Joel SPAWAR
- [ RadSafe ] Very Small Dosimeter
Chris van den Bergen
- [ RadSafe ] Pocket Dosimeters
Boing, Lawrence E.
- [ RadSafe ] U.S. Antiterror Funds Spent Unwisely, Experts Say
- [ RadSafe ] U.S. Antiterror Funds Spent Unwisely, Experts Say
- [ RadSafe ] U.S. Antiterror Funds Spent Unwisely, Experts Say
- [ RadSafe ] Luggage/package X-ray Screening Safety Standard (UNCLASSIFIED)
Borisky, Michael (Civ, ARL/ADLO)
- [ RadSafe ] FW: Paolo (Essai de quantification en PDF)
Peter Bossew
- [ RadSafe ] RE: FW: Paolo (............)
Peter Bossew
- [ RadSafe ] Watch out, you're being watched
Clayton Bradt
- [ RadSafe ] This may be the only person ever killed by a dirty bomb.
Clayton Bradt
- [ RadSafe ] Man Pleads Guilty to “Dirty Bomb” Hoax
Clayton J Bradt
- Re: [ RadSafe ] Man Pleads Guilty to “Dirty Bomb” Hoax
Clayton J Bradt
- Re: [ RadSafe ] Man Pleads Guilty to “Dirty Bomb †Hoax
Clayton J Bradt
- [ RadSafe ] U.S. to Tighten Security on Private Jet Flights
Clayton J Bradt
- [ RadSafe ] U.S. Antiterror Funds Spent Unwisely, Experts Say
Clayton J Bradt
- [ RadSafe ] “Dirty Bomb” Material in Use Across Canada
Clayton J Bradt
- [ RadSafe ] DHS Tests of Radiation Detectors Were Inconclusive, Report Says
Clayton J Bradt
- [ RadSafe ] Colombia Is Flashpoint in Chávez’s Feud With U.S.
Clayton J Bradt
- [ RadSafe ] Colombia Backs Off “Dirty Bomb” Statement
Clayton J Bradt
- [ RadSafe ] U.S. Plays Down Colombia Uranium Threat
Clayton J Bradt
Brady, Kevin T.
- [ RadSafe ] "Dirty Bomb" Material in Use Across Canada
Brennan, Mike (DOH)
- [ RadSafe ] DHS Tests of Radiation Detectors WereInconclusive, Report Says
Brennan, Mike (DOH)
- [ RadSafe ] DHS Tests of Radiation Detectors WereInconclusive, Report Says
Brennan, Mike (DOH)
- [ RadSafe ] FW: Paolo (Essai de quantification en PDF)
Brennan, Mike (DOH)
- [ RadSafe ] Scotland Herald - Depleted uranium turns earthwormsinto glowworms
Brennan, Mike (DOH)
- [ RadSafe ] Watch out, you're being watched
Brennan, Mike (DOH)
- [ RadSafe ] Watch out, you're being watched
Brennan, Mike (DOH)
- [ RadSafe ] RE: FW: Paolo (............)
Mauro Campoleoni
- [ RadSafe ] Excitement about the cancer investigation on the C-Netz in Steiermark
Bjorn Cedervall
- [ RadSafe ] BBC: Scottish warning on power line dangers
Bjorn Cedervall
- [ RadSafe ] Luggage/package X-ray Screening Safety Standard (UNCLASSIFIED)
Walt Cofer
- [ RadSafe ] Man Pleads Guilty to “Dirty Bomb †Hoax
Steven Dapra
- [ RadSafe ] U.S. Antiterror Funds Spent Unwisely, Experts Say
Steven Dapra
- [ RadSafe ] DHS Tests of Radiation Detectors Were Inconclusive, Report Says
Steven Dapra
- [ RadSafe ] Colombia Is Flashpoint in Chávez ’s Feud With U.S .
Steven Dapra
- AW: [ RadSafe ] Colombia Is Flashpoint
Steven Dapra
- [ RadSafe ] CT scans
Steven Dapra
- [ RadSafe ] This may be the only person ever killed by a dirty bomb.
Steven Dapra
- [ RadSafe ] free preparative HPLC unit
Scott Davidson
- [ RadSafe ] Scientists discover possible radiation and heart disease link
Fred Dawson
- [ RadSafe ] Anyone in need of Dose Calibrator and Sheet Flood Sources for Nuclear Medicine in NC area
Bill DeForest
- [ RadSafe ] Scientists discover possible radiation and heartdisease link
Philippe J. Duport
- [ RadSafe ] RDD's -be prepared.
- [ RadSafe ] DHS Tests of Radiation Detectors WereInconclusive, Report Says
- [ RadSafe ] Calibration of handheld rad meters.
- [ RadSafe ] Luggage/package X-ray ScreeningSafetyStandard (UNCLASSIFIED)
- [ RadSafe ] Watch out, you're being watched
- [ RadSafe ] Seeking advise and input.
- [ RadSafe ] U.S. Plays Down Colombia Uranium Threat
- [ RadSafe ] TCM-2's needed
Robert J. Gunter
- [ RadSafe ] Scientists identify origin of hiss in upper atmosphere
- [ RadSafe ] Radiation Safety Officer Training for Laboratory Professionals
- [ RadSafe ] A switch that controls whether cells pass point of no return
- [ RadSafe ] Fe-55 on LSC
Arvic Harms
- [ RadSafe ] NPL Environmental Radioactivity Proficiency Test Exercise 2008
Arvic Harms
- [ RadSafe ] New Depleted Uranium Video
Roger Helbig
- [ RadSafe ] New Depleted Uranium Video
Roger Helbig
- [ RadSafe ] FW: [NukeNet] Job open at NIRS, new calendar, more updates
Roger Helbig
- [ RadSafe ] Three Mile Island - Plutonium 239 - The Roy Process -
Roger Helbig
- [ RadSafe ] Intervenors in Florida Nuclear Plant Send out Warning
Roger Helbig
- [ RadSafe ] FW: Paolo (Essai de quantification en PDF)
Roger Helbig
- [ RadSafe ] False Information on Depleted Uranium
Roger Helbig
- [ RadSafe ] Scotland Herald - Depleted uranium turns earthworms into glowworms
Roger Helbig
- Re: [ RadSafe ] Man Pleads Guilty to “Dirty Bomb †Hoax
Gary Isenhower
- Re: [ RadSafe ] Colombia Is Flashpoint in Chávez ’s Feud With U.S.
Gary Isenhower
- [ RadSafe ] Luggage/package X-ray Screening SafetyStandard (UNCLASSIFIED)
Gary Isenhower
- Fwd: [ RadSafe ] Luggage/package X-ray Screening SafetyStandard (UNCLASSIFIED)
Gary Isenhower
- [ RadSafe ] Radon hormesis suggested by a careful case-control study
John Jacobus
- [ RadSafe ] Article: The neutron-therapy saga: a cautionary tale
John Jacobus
- [ RadSafe ] Fwd: From NATURE -- Nuclear fuel bank
John Jacobus
- [ RadSafe ] How 64-slice CT saved my life: An administrator's story
John Jacobus
- [ RadSafe ] Scientists discover possible radiation and heartdisease link
John Jacobus
- [ RadSafe ] Scientists discover possible radiation and heart disease link
John Jacobus
- [ RadSafe ] Scientists discover possible radiation and heartdisease link
John Jacobus
- [ RadSafe ] Scientists discover possible radiation and heartdisease link
John Jacobus
- AW: [ RadSafe ] Very Small Dosimeter
John Jacobus
- [ RadSafe ] Re: radiation and heart disease link - prevention!
John Jacobus
- [ RadSafe ] Re: More radiation, less heart disease (much of total) NSWS
John Jacobus
- [ RadSafe ] Re: radiation and heart disease link - prevention!
John Jacobus
- [ RadSafe ] Re: radiation and heart disease link - prevention!
John Jacobus
- Re: [ RadSafe ] “Dirty Bomb” Material in Use Across Canada
John R Johnson
- [ RadSafe ] Scientists discover possible radiation and heart disease link
John R Johnson
- [ RadSafe ] DHS Tests of Radiation Detectors WereInconclusive,Report Says
John R Johnson
- [ RadSafe ] Re: radiation and heart disease link - prevention!
John R Johnson
- [ RadSafe ] Watch out, you're being watched
John R Johnson
- [ RadSafe ] NRC Alphatron high vacuum guage
Don Jordan
- AW: [ RadSafe ] DHS Tests of Radiation Detectors Were Inconclusive, Report Says
Cheng Kit-man
- [ RadSafe ] University of Utah Health Physicist Position
Karen Langley
- [ RadSafe ] (no subject)
Louis N. Molino, Sr.
- [ RadSafe ] Course accreditations question
Louis N. Molino, Sr.
- [ RadSafe ] Watch out, you're being watched
Carol Marcus
- [ RadSafe ] IAEA Daily Press Review 05 March 2008: Nuclear study finds link to heart disease
Dan W McCarn
- [ RadSafe ] DHS Tests of Radiation Detectors Were Inconclusive, Report Says
Dan W McCarn
- AW: [ RadSafe ] DHS Tests of Radiation Detectors WereInconclusive, Report Says
Dan W McCarn
- [ RadSafe ] Scientists discover possible radiation and heartdisease link
Dan W McCarn
- [ RadSafe ] Watch out, you're being watched
Luke McCormick
- [ RadSafe ] HP Vacancies at NIST
Timothy Mengers
- [ RadSafe ] Re: radiation and heart disease link - prevention!
Mercado, Don
- Re: [ RadSafe ] “Dirty Bomb†Mat erial in Use Across Canada
Michael LaFontaine, P.Phys.
- [ RadSafe ] Laboratory Safety Officer Position Opening
Miller, David R
- [ RadSafe ] Scientists discover possible radiation and heartdisease link
NIXON, Grant
- [ RadSafe ] Scientists discover possible radiation and heartdisease link
NIXON, Grant
- [ RadSafe ] FW: Paolo (Essai de quantification en PDF)
- [ RadSafe ] FW: Paolo (Essai de quantification en PDF)
- [ RadSafe ] Luggage/package X-ray Screening Safety Standard (UNCLASSIFIED)
Wes Van Pelt
- [ RadSafe ] H-3 Smears
Wes Van Pelt
- AW: [ RadSafe ] DHS Tests of Radiation Detectors WereInconclusive, Report Says
Sandy Perle
- [ RadSafe ] Luggage/package X-ray Screening Safety Standard(UNCLASSIFIED)
Sandy Perle
- [ RadSafe ] Luggage/package X-ray Screening Safety Standard(UNCLASSIFIED)
Sandy Perle
- [ RadSafe ] Request for Nucleus 800A MCA Manual
Sandy Perle
- [ RadSafe ] HPS Triangle Logo
Otto G. Raabe
- [ RadSafe ] Handbook of
Richard Rasmussen
- [ RadSafe ] Aiken Technical College Job Announcement
Tara Reed
- [ RadSafe ] FW: Paolo (Essai de quantification en PDF)
Brian Rees
- [ RadSafe ] Luggage/package X-ray Screening SafetyStandard (UNCLASSIFIED)
Cary Renquist
- [ RadSafe ] Thermo identiFinder
Harry Reynolds
- [ RadSafe ] U. S. Radium Corporation medical device
Richardson David (RDE) Essex Rivers
- RE: [ RadSafe ] Man Pleads Guilty to "Dirty Bomb" Hoax
Brent Rogers
- [ RadSafe ] FW: Paolo (Essai de quantification en PDF)
Brent Rogers
- [ RadSafe ] Radiological Protection of Patients
Jose Rozental
- [ RadSafe ] 2008 LOWRAD Conference
Jose Rozental
- [ RadSafe ] Goiânia´s Legacy Two Decades On
Jose Rozental
- [ RadSafe ] DHS Tests of Radiation Detectors WereInconclusive, Report Says
Sawyer, Jeff
- [ RadSafe ] U. S. Radium Corporation medical device
Steve Schoner
- [ RadSafe ] NRC Alphatron high vacuum guage
Steve Schoner
- [ RadSafe ] H-3 Smears
Marcel Schouwenburg
- [ RadSafe ] JobPosting: Two radiochemist staff positions are available at the Reactor Institute of the Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
Marcel Schouwenburg
- [ RadSafe ] RESEND: JobPosting: Two radiochemist staff positions are available at the Reactor Institute of the Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
Marcel Schouwenburg
- AW: [ RadSafe ] Excitement about the cancer investigation on the C-Netz in Steiermark
Franz Schönhofer
- AW: [ RadSafe ] European site regarding radiation risk
Franz Schönhofer
- AW: [ RadSafe ] Man Pleads Guilty to “Dirty Bomb †Hoax
Franz Schönhofer
- AW: [ RadSafe ] BBC: Scottish warning on power line dangers
Franz Schönhofer
- AW: [ RadSafe ] Colombia Is Flashpoint in Chávez ’s Feud With U.S.
Franz Schönhofer
- AW: [ RadSafe ] DHS Tests of Radiation Detectors WereInconclusive, Report Says
Franz Schönhofer
- AW: [ RadSafe ] Three Mile Island - Plutonium 239 - The Roy Process -
Franz Schönhofer
- AW: [ RadSafe ] FW: Paolo (Essai de quantification en PDF)
Franz Schönhofer
- AW: [ RadSafe ] FW: Paolo (Essai de quantification en PDF)
Franz Schönhofer
- AW: [ RadSafe ] FW: Paolo (Essai de quantification en PDF)
Franz Schönhofer
- Fwd: [ RadSafe ] Luggage/package X-ray Screening SafetyStandard (UNCLASSIFIED)
Maury Siskel
- [ RadSafe ] HPS Triangle Logo
Maury Siskel
- [ RadSafe ] RE: FW: Paolo (............)
Neill Stanford
- [ RadSafe ] 27th International Dosimetry and Records Symposium
Neill Stanford
- [ RadSafe ] Harvard Continuing Ed Program
Harvard Health Professional Training
- [ RadSafe ] FW: Paolo (Essai de quantification en PDF)
Colette Tremblay
- [ RadSafe ] FW: Paolo (Essai de quantification en PDF): 2nd message
Colette Tremblay
- [ RadSafe ] Seeking advise and input.
LNMolino at
- [ RadSafe ] A professional associations question
LNMolino at
- [ RadSafe ] US radium device
SFisher373 at
- [ RadSafe ] Luggage/package X-ray Screening Safety Standard
cehn at
- [ RadSafe ] H-3 Smears
cehn at
- [ RadSafe ] NRC Alphatron high vacuum guage
efforrer at
- [ RadSafe ] H-3 Smears
franz.schoenhofer at
- [ RadSafe ] HPS Triangle Logo
grahnk at
- [ RadSafe ] Re: radiation and heart disease link - prevention!
rad_sci_health at
- [ RadSafe ] Etiology of the Gulf War syndrome
Rainer.Facius at
- AW: [ RadSafe ] Very Small Dosimeter
Rainer.Facius at
- Re: [ RadSafe ] Man Pleads Guilty to “Dirty Bomb” Hoax
stewart farber
- [ RadSafe ] Do these symptoms sound familiar?
neildm at
- [ RadSafe ] FW: VIDEO link
neildm at
- [ RadSafe ] Scientists discover possible radiation and heart disease link
howard long
- [ RadSafe ] radiation and heart disease link - prevention!
howard long
- [ RadSafe ] More radiation, less heart disease (much of total) NSWS
howard long
- [ RadSafe ] Re: radiation and heart disease link - prevention!
howard long
- [ RadSafe ] CA Nuclear Plants
howard long
- [ RadSafe ] CA Nuclear Plants
howard long
- [ RadSafe ] CA Nuclear Plants
howard long
- [ RadSafe ] Re: radiation and heart disease link - prevention!
howard long
- [ RadSafe ] Watch out, you're being watched
alstonchris at
- Re: [ RadSafe ] Man Pleads Guilty to “Dirty Bomb” Hoax A problem of credibility
parthasarathy k s
- Fw: [ RadSafe ] Man Pleads Guilty to “Dirty Bomb” Hoax A problem of credibility A correction
parthasarathy k s
- [ RadSafe ] Scientists discover possible radiation and heartdisease link
parthasarathy k s
Last message date:
Mon Mar 31 14:32:22 CDT 2008
Archived on: Sun Apr 25 17:07:18 CDT 2010
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).